Category: Outdoors

  • How to enjoy winter recreation, even with unexpected weather

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    Has your winter recreation game been thrown off by strange weather in your area, too? It seems every week I’m reading about unseasonable snowstorms (or lack thereof), cold snaps, and oddly timed natural disasters. These are real problems. I do not mean to diminish the real impact they have on people’s lives. But once the danger has passed, I think it’s helpful to get back to the winter recreational activities that support our mental health. For me here in Southwest Colorado, that’s usually skiing. This season there’s relatively little snow. My secret is I have never stopped my running routine from the summer!

    What’s your strategy when your usual recreation routine is disrupted? I’m a big promoter of physical activity and time outside as essential components of any plan for mental wellbeing. And I know it’s a pain in the rear to revise the plan for circumstances out of our control. But until we can control the weather – revise we must!  There are a few key things to keep in mind as you fine-tune your wellness this winter (and beyond). Here’s how I’m surviving….

    Don’t fight the weather, work with it

    If you’ve found a way to control the weather by fretting about it, please get in touch with me immediately. I haven’t found this to be an effective strategy as a mere mortal. So, I have instead taken to just accepting what we get. Don’t get me wrong – I still stalk my favorite weather forecasting site (thanks,!). I just stop myself before I let it get me down when I don’t see what I want on the horizon. The sun will eventually shine…it just might take a while.

    It’s also a losing game to wait for that glorious sunny, cloudless day to arrive. It might or it might not arrive any time soon, and your wellbeing hangs in the balance. Better to work with what Mother Nature has given you than gaze longingly out the window. You could be missing out on dialing up your contentment a notch or two!

    I’m in acceptance mode. Now what?

    Now that you’re a Zen master in full acceptance of today’s forecast, it’s time to optimize your activity. I recognize that not everyone has the luxury of an extremely flexible schedule. But, to the extent that you have wiggle room in your day, try to choose a time of day (and/or week) that’s going to work best for you. Are there temperature extremes to work around? Daylight hours to maximize or precipitation to avoid? Maybe you have meetings at certain times or need to factor in parenting duties.

    My experience

    I love to run outside. I can get pretty fancy with how I work even a few miles into my day. As I mentioned, I watch the weather forecast quite closely. I take note of temperatures and expected precipitation over the next few days. I also consult the hourly forecast each morning and select a time I can make it outside when the temperature is relatively comfortable. In the summer, this is often in the morning before the heat gets going. In the winter it’s the opposite. Yes, this requires extra steps and some mental energy and yes, I absolutely think it’s worth every minute I invest.

    I also find it helpful to have backup options. Sometimes it’s just too darn cold. Or I have too many work tasks to complete in a day. Or it’s pouring rain. On these days I often ride my road bike in my garage (it’s set up on a trainer). Shhhh…I’ve attended webinars and answered many an email while pedaling. What’s your backup plan? Get creative!

    Maintain your activities from other seasons

    I live in a place with four distinct seasons, so I usually switch sports with the rhythms of nature. I’m learning this year is just different and I’m going with it. I’m seeing this as an opportunity to maintain my usual summer activity – running! It’s a strange feeling to be running on trails that should be covered in snow in the dead of winter. Maybe you’re hiking, riding a bike, or walking your dog in unusual circumstances this year. By continuing these pursuits indefinitely rather than taking a break we risk burnout. Instead, I advocate keeping the following list in mind if you’re sticking with one sport.

    The three keys

    1. Lower your intensity
    2. Don’t forget stretching and strength training
    3. Match your fuel and recovery need to your activity level

    For me, a lower intensity of running looks like fewer miles and steep slopes, and a slower pace. I still get the same positive benefits from my run and it’s ok to “slack” a little. I won’t be race training for a few more months. In other words, stop and smell the flowers. You might even notice some new things in your environment that are always hidden from you in the summers. 

    Stretching and strength training remain as important as ever, even in the off season. It’s so tempting to let these extra steps fall by the wayside because your intensity level is lower than normal. Don’t let injuries find you! Better to invest the time in caring for your body now. Then you’ll be in tip-top shape when it’s ready to hit the gas and go full intensity again. Who knows – you may even reach new goals this year after the unexpected extra training time!

    Lastly, every active person knows that fuel and recovery are the most fun parts of training. Rewards, baby! Make sure you match your fuel intake and rest time to your activity level. It can be easy to let autopilot take over. Like sticking to your typical seasonal cycle of snack and nap intakes. But I promise you that your 10-mile run requires just as much attention to food intake and recovery in January as it does in June. Perhaps even more. Keep up all those healthy habits you’re so good at regardless of the date on the calendar.

    Choose the right gear

    Don’t you hate all those people who say there’s no bad weather, only bad gear choices? Yes, they’re intolerable. They are also correct. And nerding out on gear is fun, so let’s forgive them.

    This winter I’m finding myself doing a lot of road running and I’ve been loving my Brooks Ghost road shoes (#ad). Good gear ain’t cheap, however I find these shoes to be high quality at a price point I can justify. Wearing supportive shoes also prevents injury and will keep you running longer. The way I see it, spend more money on shoes and scale back in other areas of your kit if needed.

    What about clothes?

    Speaking of the rest of your kit, here’s where the creativity comes in. As a mountain dweller, I’m well versed in the art of layering. That skill has come in handy this winter as I’ve had to brave some very cold temps. I also take into consideration how sunny it’s going to be when selecting my layers. I live at high altitude and the sun is very intense when it’s on full blast.

    You know your climate the best. So have fun as you experiment with different combinations of shirts/jackets/vests for your top half and shorts/pants for the lower deck. Try to stick to lightweight layers that are easy to put on and take off as the conditions change. Especially when you might be dealing with cold fingers. Layering experts will also think about the fabric colors – darker means more absorption of the sun’s warmth. Could be wanted or unwanted depending on the conditions.

    And don’t forget your accessories! While you’re certainly welcome to wear fabulous earrings during your adventures, I’m referring to hats, gloves, sunglasses, gaiters, etc. in this case. These items are essential. Be careful in thinking through what you need.

    Make it fun!

    This is the most critical step. You may be feeling some winter doldrums, and it’s time to actively chase those bad boys away. Yes, I wish I could be skiing amazing powder on the slopes near my home. But darn it, I can still find ways to have fun in the winter. It’s all in the attitude you bring.

    One of the best parts of lower intensity activity in the off-season is the opportunity to focus on the social bonds. Your activity fosters bonding rather than reaching some training goal. All of my favorite runs are the ones I do with my friends. Even when we’re running a tad slower because we’re deep in conversation. In my humble opinion, the human connection we gain at a slower pace is well worth it. So whatever activity it is that floats your boat, find a friend to bring along. Accomplish two goals by enjoying time together while also staying active. You’re even allowed to continue the conversation over coffee once you’ve hit your goals for miles!

    Does gear count in the fun column?

    Yes! There are many other positive and potentially fun aspects to letting go of training goals for a while. Testing out new gear can be a pain when the stakes are high. But when the pressure isn’t on, gear testing can be a fun game! Have you always wanted to try a different style of shoe, pack size, or hydration system? This is your moment to shine. Be sure to take notes so you don’t forget all your discoveries once your primary season rolls around again. You could even get your friend gang together for a double-whammy social event/gear test. See? Fun! Well, at least it’ll scratch your nerd itch.

    Finally, lets’ go back to the beginning. Switching up your routine can give you a fresh perspective and a chance to make new observations. The plant and animal life in your environment is likely to be quite different season-to-season. And what differences do you notice as the days get longer or shorter? You may even have people you often run into around your neighborhood or on the trails – have their habits shifted? It’s all about being playful and bringing a curious mindset to the pursuits that keep you well.

    And one more vote for my favorite Brooks Ghost road shoes (#ad).

    The winter recreation bottom line

    I don’t have to tell you that we’re wasting time by wishing that circumstances were different from what nature gives us. Maybe it’s too hot, too cold, too Y, or too Z. But staying active is way too important and beneficial to each of us to make excuses. To recap:

    • Adapt to the weather you have
    • Continue your favorite activities from other seasons
    • Match your gear to the conditions
    • Let your playful side out

    Please use the ideas above to get outside and love the world you’re in. I’m confident you’ll be glad you did.

  • GPS watch: powerful technology to optimize your running game

    The Coros Apex 2 GPS watch

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    Do you struggle with planning your long runs when you’re training for an event or race? I’m talking half marathons, full marathons, and ultras. Coming up with a stellar route for a long run of any sort can be a challenge. I have a tool to suggest…. I’ve had unexpected success using a GPS watch to optimize my runs and save myself a bunch of time and heartache.

    At first I was hesitant to use a GPS watch. Maybe you are, too? I wasn’t sure I wanted the data overload. Plus, I tend to be hard on myself and I was worried the stats would just make it worse. I’m happy to report I’ve had way more positives to using the Coros Apex 2 than any negatives (paid ad). Keep reading for my tips on how to use this tool to simplify your planning process. This is the must-have addition to your running kit.

    GPS watch: not just for data geeks and overly competitive people

    This was my biggest concern before I bought the Coros Apex 2. What on earth was I going to do with gobs of information on my stride length and “training effect”? I’m sure these numbers are important to pro athletes, but I am a mere mortal. Still, there are so many statistics that really are useful for the average runner.

    Also, the information you’re getting is different while you’re running vs. what you’re viewing later at home. This watch pairs with the Coros app on your phone – that’s where you can go as deep down the rabbit hole as you care to go. Here are a few of the stats I find most helpful during a run:

    1. Miles
    2. Elevation
    3. Heart rate
    4. Total activity time

    Let’s talk about each one in a little more detail:


    Along with most of my friends who run, I plan my training runs to a specific mileage. When I’m running in unfamiliar terrain, I find it helpful to have a real-time display of my cumulative miles. This allows me to turn back precisely halfway on an out-and-back. I can also add a little bit of distance if I’m short when I finish a loop run (or other pattern).


    I tend to run races with substantial elevation gain, so this is a big one. It’s very important to train with hill climbs if that’s the type of event you’ll be running. Knowing your cumulative elevation gain during a run can help you adjust your route to do more or less climbing, as needed.

    Heart rate

    Watching how hard your heart is working can help you determine when to switch from running to hiking. Or when to slow your running pace. Endurance running is all about maintaining a heart rate that you can sustain for long time periods.

    Total activity time

    When you’re in the zone it’s easy to lose track of time. I like this number as a quick and dirty estimate of whether my pace and effort will allow me to meet the cutoff times of a race.

    These read-outs are all simple and easy to understand – no PhD in mathematics required. Plus they give a ton of information to help dial in your strategy when training for a particular event.

    An unexpected yet amazing addition to my running (and hiking) kit

    Running long distances has enormous potential for good. And enormous potential for harm. I’m not going to get into the possibilities of physical harm today. Rather, some of the mental aspects. Wherever there is sport, you will find competition and pressure. This is an unavoidable fact of life. Learning how much of this to take on and how to manage it is the key.

    Like I said, I resisted using a GPS watch for years because I thought it would add pressure on me and make running less fun. Many athletes put tremendous pressure on themselves to perform and I am no exception. I have learned over the years that inviting more pressure into my life is not a winning strategy. But much to my surprise, I have found that adding the Coros to my kit has given me peace of mind rather than more stress.

    Let your GPS watch stress for you

    On top of being hard on myself, I’m also a very precise person and I plan everything. It’s just the way I am wired. In the past, I would spend insane amounts of time poring over maps trying to figure out the total mileage when I would string together shorter trails to create a long run. Yes, I’m aware there’s an app for that. But I don’t have that app and now I don’t need it.

    On the trail near my home

    Using my GPS watch allows me to use maps for a rough estimate of mileage, then get a more precise measurement when I’m out on the trails. This reduces my stress significantly during the planning stage. It’s the same story for elevation gain. Maps are great, but the ability to measure the climbs and descents in real life is much more valuable to me.

    The other benefit of using a GPS watch paired with an app is that it automatically stores a log of each run and its associated stats. I find this to be of immense value for a couple of reasons.

    1. I know with more precision whether I am meeting my mileage and elevation goals when training for an event.
    2. I can use the data from runs (and run segments) to create new routes without doing additional research. 

    It’s also just great to know the distance or how long any specific run took me to complete. I often repeat routes, but I don’t always remember how far or long it was. Now, when I want to run 8 miles locally or I have 90 minutes to spare, I can consult my trusty log and find just the right route to meet my needs.

    Protect yourself from the mind games

    Now that we’ve covered all the reasons I think GPS watches are great, it’s time to give some words of caution. Let’s talk about how to avoid getting sucked into an abyss of mind games.

    Each person’s appetite for competition (whether with other people or yourself) is different. Step number one is to understand where you lie on this spectrum. Do you find yourself motivated by seeing what kinds of runs and paces your friends are doing? Or maybe sharing stats is a way to keep in touch with friends and nothing more. If you’re like me, it’s a slippery slope into self doubt when I compare myself too much to other people. Your reaction to social media and the curated personas presented on those platforms may offer some clues.

    Only you can determine whether comparison is a force for good or evil. Once you have that figured out, remember that you’re the one in control. While sharing your latest run on Strava is super fun for some people, it is the opposite for others. Do not yield to the peer pressure! There is nothing wrong with keeping your data to yourself. There are plenty of other ways to connect with your friends and bond over the experiences of training. If your friends are pestering you to share more, politely explain to them why you would rather keep this information to yourself. I bet you they’ll respect you for your self-knowledge.

    Manage your own expectations

    Regardless of how much data you choose to share with the world, you will have access to it. With this power comes great responsibility. Make sure you’re staying realistic with yourself and acknowledging that even pro athletes have good and bad days. You will have days when you feel invincible. You will also have days when you don’t even know why you bothered to lace up your shoes. This is true of all of us, so give yourself a break! Take both the ups and downs with a grain of salt. Tomorrow will always be different.

    Use the statistics from your watch when they’re helpful. Do yourself a favor and ignore the rest. For example, I am not a huge fan of composite measurements like “Training status”. Experience has told me that these composites do not match well with how I feel. I’ve been running regularly for over 20 years and alive for much longer. I know my body well. I find it very hard to believe that a watch I met a couple months ago knows more about my mojo level than I do. With all due respect to algorithms, the human brain is still extremely powerful. If you are not jiving with some of the, shall we say, opaque numbers your watch is showing you, I suggest pretending you don’t see them.

    The bottom line on GPS watches

    By far, the most important asset you have when doing anything that’s difficult is your mental fortitude. You are strong! You can do this. Don’t let computers and numbers get in the way of what you know you’re capable of. If you have limited time and energy to spend, you’ll get way more payoff investing it in strengthening your mental game.

    GPS watches can be an awesome addition to your kit, especially if you’re running into uncharted territory. This is true if it’s a trail you’re discovering for the first time. It’s also true if you’re striving to run a longer distance than you’ve previously attempted. The key to getting benefit from the data your watch provides is to retain control. Choose which features help you reach your goals and leave the rest. Protect yourself from mind games and preserve your strong will to slay.

    Coros Apex 2 (paid ad)

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