I’m a curious lady in the world
Oh, hi there! I’m Laura Warner.
Born in the early 1980s, I’m one of the first Millennials to hit the scene and I feel very connected to the values of our generation. I think many of us struggle with the reality that we don’t live in the same world that our parents lived their adult lives in.
I’ve had career ups and downs with twists and turns. Romantic relationships have come and gone. I’ve doubted my future and whether everything would turn out ok.
Now what?
As I’ve racked up lessons through my years navigating these challenges, I’ve come to embrace the life of a single woman in the middle of her life. Once, I feared my 40s, but now I recognize the potential for this decade to be the best in my life. And I plan to keep right on improving into the next decade of life and beyond. This is what healthy aging means to me. I wish no one ever had to feel alone while attempting to build a life full of purpose and love, no matter whether it fits into the mold handed down to us as family heirlooms.
My Primary Goal for UltraMidlife.com
I want to share my insights on how to live a full life as a woman in her middle years. It can feel like society is telling you that you don’t matter if you’re no longer “young”. And this feels especially true for single women.
Men are welcome too, of course, for any and all parts that resonate.

What You’ll Read on UltraMidlife.com
Part of my journey has been developing a wide range of interests that keep me stimulated and fulfilled. I hope you learn about me along the way. In these pages you’ll find my take on:
Personal growth and evolution over time
I am deeply inspired by mindfulness and meditation.
Career changes and burnout
I’ve made big and small changes to my professional life and overcome burnout.
Singledom and the importance of friendships
I’ve dated a lot and never been married. This has taught me many things – most importantly, how much I value my friends.
Outdoor recreation
Especially running! This is where “ultra” was born 😊
Come to me for lessons on training for and running your local trails! Yes, even an ultramarathon.
Rural life in the mountains
Rural life is way more fun than you might think
Close and not-so-close to home. I’ll share what I know from exploring widely in the Western US and many locations abroad.
Clean eating
I think long and hard about putting nourishing food in my body. Vegetarian at minimum, often vegan.
Cooking with minimal waste
Throwing food away makes me sad. I’ll give you all my tips to avoid food waste.
It’s a wide range, but I’m passionate about all of the above and these elements have come together nicely in a life I genuinely enjoy. Of course, I don’t have all the answers. But I started this blog to share what makes sense to me. You can take what you like and leave all the rest. Just be sure to share what you like with the people you care about! We can all use more love and connection.
With loving kindness,